This is an acts up it reaction both chemically and physically like a baby when they want to express themselves. However it gets worse as we all know when a baby cry’s or goes to its mommy.
Confusing as it may be life a point of finding eternal happiness. That may be a futile effort, however if all hope is set forth of this endeavor’s points end to this, the resistance level will diminish greatly.
This, however, can only happen if we all set aside our differences and look to the future, because in essence that is where we are living right now in the present. We all are the future that is precisely why our hero’s are so influential on our times, however don’t lament on them longer than necessary. For if you do; we all are set back throughout the world.
Everyone has a purpose. This should be carried out to the ability of that person alone. Now of course you can help the person all you want, however you shouldn’t create a symbiotic relationship with that person, for your paths in life may possibly separate within a given amount of time.
Cutting that relationship short, this should not devastate the essence of you to deeply. You have been given a unique power, to lead your own life, even though it may intersect with others lives immensely. You may even fall in love with your partners on this path called life. However we should all remember that there are many different heroes and battles, in which all life has to exist.