Thursday, September 24, 2009


Why are we so defensive?

Is it because we fear being taken advantage of? How are we supposed to live if we do not let our guard down once in a while, and not only when we are in bed? It probably has to do with the fact that we were all taught as youth not to take candy from a stranger.

That one innocent teaching has screwed up our lives so much. We can’t ever get rid of it and the time we wasted because of it. However, there is no use crying over spilled milk. So we shall move on.

We have to learn to blindly trust others as we do our faith. In that trusting we will find fantastic opportunities that await us. We will find whole new worlds of pleasure. It is so magnificent, and it is only through that small word. TRUST.

Now in order to trust you have to really have love. Love begins within. You have to really love yourself. So what if you’re looked at as weird. Life is a weird sort of gift. You should just love yourself and not care what others think.

After you love yourself you are ready to reach your hand to another and say “I love you.” Go on, you can do it, I believe in you.

GOOD. How did that feel.

Great, I thought so.

Now you are ready to begin trusting that individual. There is no greater vulnerability than love, but there is no greater strength than love either. That’s why vulnerabilities are strengths.