Sunday, September 27, 2009


Good friends are treasures that you have to keep polished or they will lose their value. We know how frail life is so you best make the time when you have it.

Having friends makes you feel differently, however they always will influence your life humorously. Friends help us through life's most difficult times and are there in life grandest adventures. Such ease comes to you with the more friends you have. The more friends you have the better it is, but the quality of friends supersedes the quantity of your friends.

The greater quality of friends the more enhanced your life becomes. They add many more aspects to your life. The fuller your life the greater amount of ideas you could possibly incur.

These ideas reciprocate exponentially. They lead us all too whole new plethoras of thought. These thoughts may surprise everyone, including yourself.

Finding Fun

What do we need to find? Do we need to find fun? Fun will find us if we allow it to. When you allow fun in you can accomplish more cause of the joy that occurs.

This occurrence multiplies at an increasing velocity. It increases for the simple reason that you are letting them motivate you. You are in charge of this motivation through which accomplishment is noticeably increased.

These aspects that are increased motivate new ideas, which reciprocate the process. The reciprocations are addicting which produces happiness in such great varieties.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Diseases are foreseen as Gods “survival of the fittest” trial, however the comical part of that is no one who really enjoys life is immune to all the diseases outside. All life is a very fragile entity. We should cherish every moment that is given to us. It is more precious than the most valuable asset one could ever want or have received. Germs are one of the causes of diseases.

Germs are the tiniest forms of life. However every single life form shares some if not all the qualities with germs. Germs move from one place to another. They consume all the possible resources that are exploitable to their population and then they move on.

Germs are in all things and could be seen as all living things as well as technological contraptions. They are short sighted also. However this shot sightedness could be seen as not because of the time span. They believe that they are immortal, not seeing that nothing is immortal.

Every life is like a flicker of light, it is just that some flickers last longer for some than other forms of life. Some life is so brief also that it can only be observed in the rearview mirror.


Why are we so defensive?

Is it because we fear being taken advantage of? How are we supposed to live if we do not let our guard down once in a while, and not only when we are in bed? It probably has to do with the fact that we were all taught as youth not to take candy from a stranger.

That one innocent teaching has screwed up our lives so much. We can’t ever get rid of it and the time we wasted because of it. However, there is no use crying over spilled milk. So we shall move on.

We have to learn to blindly trust others as we do our faith. In that trusting we will find fantastic opportunities that await us. We will find whole new worlds of pleasure. It is so magnificent, and it is only through that small word. TRUST.

Now in order to trust you have to really have love. Love begins within. You have to really love yourself. So what if you’re looked at as weird. Life is a weird sort of gift. You should just love yourself and not care what others think.

After you love yourself you are ready to reach your hand to another and say “I love you.” Go on, you can do it, I believe in you.

GOOD. How did that feel.

Great, I thought so.

Now you are ready to begin trusting that individual. There is no greater vulnerability than love, but there is no greater strength than love either. That’s why vulnerabilities are strengths.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Celebrate abundantly as well as joyfully

This is an acts up it reaction both chemically and physically like a baby when they want to express themselves. However it gets worse as we all know when a baby cry’s or goes to its mommy.

Confusing as it may be life a point of finding eternal happiness. That may be a futile effort, however if all hope is set forth of this endeavor’s points end to this, the resistance level will diminish greatly.

This, however, can only happen if we all set aside our differences and look to the future, because in essence that is where we are living right now in the present. We all are the future that is precisely why our hero’s are so influential on our times, however don’t lament on them longer than necessary. For if you do; we all are set back throughout the world.

Everyone has a purpose. This should be carried out to the ability of that person alone. Now of course you can help the person all you want, however you shouldn’t create a symbiotic relationship with that person, for your paths in life may possibly separate within a given amount of time.

Cutting that relationship short, this should not devastate the essence of you to deeply. You have been given a unique power, to lead your own life, even though it may intersect with others lives immensely. You may even fall in love with your partners on this path called life. However we should all remember that there are many different heroes and battles, in which all life has to exist.

Change Abilities

Change Abilities

The greatest ability we have to change with, but not limited to, is our brain. It has the most energy, but the heart is necessary to guide the action that is ever known to be possible. The human brain, or any brain for that matter, they both could always break all rules that we set against it.

It just so difficult to realize which to trust no matter, what, you have to be patient and calm with anything and everyone you meet or you cannot get through your day as a full success. Please; please, trust, or comment or something may occur.

I know I wrote things in the pas but please read this. Just because maybe you want to read or anything else, It’s just that I feel like I can’t be head, reminds of an accident and if you have enough heat please read on you see a few of the points.

What Love Entails

Love may not be everything to everyone. Being loved as well as loving is a truly grandiose attribute to all life.

It has extremely different meanings; however they do not change the true effect of this emotional state.
The love shared as well as shown by all is so precious. When it is shown it is like a rainstorm that we all our extremely grateful to have.

Curiosity leads to a better understanding of all this love. Love combined with life is an unstoppable force in all space and even all time.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


There are many different level. Stress and emotional levels are not all the levels, their area more levels.

However they take literally, figuratively, as well as emotionally, exceedingly more time; to research as well as learn about. It's just that only advanced thinkers, such as Einstein as well as Plato could not even begin to realize the power of these thought patterns.


How can we tell that memory matters or does it even matter at all. That is the ultimate question which is condtantly ingnored however difficult it is to figure out? Memories can be manipulated by everything even the most crucial tool.

Our mind is the most valuable technological asset that we have. It is capable to play games on itself which at times could actually save it.

However these games could be harmful. These games can be so subconscious that sometimes, it could be crucial.

Memories are crucial to survival. They may however, cause a breakdown which is difficult. It may be unpredictable seen in the real world. There are signs which are able to physically be seen as possibility.

The Truth Explained

Nothing matters but ideas that are getting more fragmented as we speak. It scares me. The more I think about it the more I panic. That causes shrinking. Not being understood is the main cause.

Being fearful is an emotion, if anything. But what emotions, were the least of the problems. That would be graphic. Not scene as such an important cause.

Attention levels need to stay at the point of ideas complexity. Value ifanything, is important. That being the case, we would just slow down. If that was the only issue, it would simply be the answer.

If anything it is the genius level that is increasing, but the time is decreasing at the same time. This is scary fir all, especially to the genius mind.

That is why there are so few discussion group. If anything there should be nonetheless. However; sinse the cause is getting so bad, that they seem so necessary to help. It seems there is almost a panic issue.

Looking Out

There's a difference between looking out into space and looking out for someone else. Looking in space does not always mean you are distracted.
However it means that your trying to distract yourself from something, such as pain. Therefore it may mean you are more intelligent than you are.