Saturday, March 28, 2009


We, as a race, don’t take pride in the comfort of living. We want people to get out of the hospital as soon as possible, either by death or by getting better. We want people on disability to get off of it as soon as possible. We don’t care if they need more help in functioning in society or not.

Our focus should be to improve the quality of life rather than to find the cheapest way to deal with it.

Now I’m not saying everyone is like this, there are some diamonds in the rough as it were, but the fight against injustice is far from over. It’s my perception that we must all band together before something drastic happens to us as well as the world around us.

You should take pride with yourself, your thoughts, your actions, and everything else you achieve and are. It is wrong however if you are too prideful, since this prevents you from accomplishing goals. It is like anything else in life where too much of it is bad and also too little is also. You have to find an individual balance.

Now, I have no idea why I’m writing this but maybe it will change a few minds. Possibly it will make people think before lashing out at someone or to something.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Delicate Life

Life is a delicate flower. Some have thorns and some do not, also some age to get thorns. There are those who’ll remain naked. In given time, however, they all receive, some sort, of clothing.

Those lives are very strong, although they appear weak to the untrained eye. They have energy around them, which tell you. These energies, which some call Ora's, are so intense in very few lives. They just emulate off them and spread.

There is nothing anyone can do. It is impossible to stop them, you just have to have patience. You could try and slow them down, however first you have to learn about them. Through that you will, in fact learn about your yourself.

Transitioning doesn’t even stop their energy. Anger; for, instance has no effect on them at all. It just slows them down. What is all irrelevant and inconsequential to them at least, is not the same in our views.The more delicate the life the stronger the energy is. This is because life is so precious. It is always in need of guidance. Even, when thought it doesn’t, it especially needs it then. It is the most vulnerable when it doesn’t think it is. When it’s naked and most vulnerable it has the most power..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Live Life to the Fullest

Man is made to live life to the fullest. Whatever opportunity you see, it is in your best interest and the interest of society, to complete the mission.

Living life to the fullest, you will enjoy and be more relaxed in your life. It will also reduce violence because you will be more at ease, which in turn will make it easier to socialize.

If you are free, you will have a life that is totally unique from any other. It will put you more at ease.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Your immunity system can not last forever. Drugs can only last for so long. Sleep increases your energy, keeps you in a fun loving mood, also perhaps the most important thing it does, it helps you enjoy life more. So any chance you have you should rest and sleep.

Good Night


Who is more intelligent? Does it really matter? Will it actually affect the Cosmos?

No, but it may affect your world. If that is important enough for you, then fine, go for it.

We all have different personas that have individual goals. It’s imperative you follow those ideas to fruition. That is life's only tragic flaw of which we have no idea how often that occurs. However we have millions of ideas, so it is utterly impossible to follow through with them all. That is a real shame, but it is a fact.

We are so we judgmental of ourselves and everyone else, that it is possible we scare any new thoughts away. This is another fallacy of our nature. We think we are correct constantly and maybe we are, but we should respect those who we chose to interact with and interact with them about those ideas so they could understand our views.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


One of the biggest syndromes or diseases we have throughout the world is gluttony. One reason for this is the food is too easy to get, that we take advantage. This however I believe is only here in this nation.

I am sitting her in the food court and someone is handing out samples of food, and people are taking it from her as they would be expected to. However I just realized that our population of individuals do not need free handouts of food, and they are eating themselves to death, really. Most of them have desk jobs and hardly work out as much as required by their bodies.

Now if they worked off the food that they in took you’d have a different issue, but the fact is most of them do not. Since it is easier to sit and relax, then exercise, we choose to relax and do nothing, since our society is one of the more lazy societies of the world. Besides that in our free time we don’t utilize it with exercise, we rather take advantage of our free time by by watching television or not doing physical stuff at all.

Desk jobs are not bad. Just if all you do is work at a desk and then sit in the car and sit watching TV, besides your butt getting tired, you will have a lack of blood flow in your body and you will not be living your life, so it will decide to leave you. In prevention of this, everything should be done in moderation, meaning a variety of activities should encompass your time.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Music and Life

Music and life are very similar. In all music as within all life harmony is vital. Every section is also vital if you want to construct the appropriate message for the receiver.

However within music the lower parts do not mean the same as we make them mean within our lives. For example a base, which is usually a low male voice in singing, does not mean there of any less importance or value than a soprano, the highest female voice. This differs greatly from real life where it is believe that the good people are higher and of greater value than the bad, or at least what’s taught in religion.

This is also the case in compositions of musical numbers. Some have many low notes and sound just as good, if not better than those that have many high notes. This is caused by what the receiver desires and feels is appropriate for that individual moment. It is all a matter of individual taste and the experience desired.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lateness: The Human Perfecting Standpoint

When you are late you feel like you have just committed the worst human offence imaginable. However you have not. So just relax. Just say you’re sorry for being late and go on with your day.

You have just committed a human normalcy and feel guilt because of this. This of course is self imposed there is no real reason to feel this way.
We feel this way because we have perfection ingrained in our subconscious. From when we were young to now it is still being ingrained, at work, places of worship sometime as of you this, and school is the worst of all because the punishment is to waste your time and not be productive. This is what societal value has impose on us all and worst of all the people who impose this got it twice as bad for they impose rules on others, and have rules imposed on themselves.

To put a stop to this self imposition you have to start with yourself and just relax, oh and you may try to breath that helps a lot. This is harder then yourself, but you can do it. You just have to believe in yourself. With that belief you are bound to accomplish all you desire. For the fact, that anything is possible and available to whomever looks to find. Belief is one of the most important and powerful resource living entities have in their magazine. It create a center of attention fo itself with its usage.

Understanding You

The quest for understanding is the human quest for all. It is important to all, even if they do not admit. No one really has the power to understand anything, until they understand themselves. However this is where the great paradox begins. For you cannot understand the self totally without understanding your environment. This is why honoring others views is so vital.

No one can understand fully who you are and what you do except yourself. Only you can understand who you are and what you do. No matter if you create the best; you can never have proof of the best that you accomplished.

It is a shame that that is so, but you have to learn to accept it and come to the realization that there are other good things you can invent, which you are probably thinking up as you read this.

For you see the mind is a glorious instrument, because of the great ideas it produces, even if it loses some million of ideas for every good one that make it to fruition. It really is a great loss but what you going to do? You could only record as much as you are allowed to?

That is what being alive all is about. You should write all you can for you as well as the future for it is hard to tell your place as of yet, because life is so chaotic and you may turn into a hero, like Abraham Lincoln or some other?

Friday, March 6, 2009


Rules are very peculiar. They can save your life. However too many can take it away as well.

They can save it by giving you order and structure that will enhance growth. They also make you a more responsible individual.

However countless amount s of rules and regulations can suffocate your individuality also misappropriate your freedom. This may stop you may stop you from growing and slowly deteriorate you to the point of death.

In order to avoid this there has to be a balance of rules and regulations versus free time. Where you can do whatever you want. You have to have this free time, where you can do anything that you want. It is a necessity to have this time in order to grow and maintain health for about an hour or two a day. Your imagination need some exercise as well as your rationality. If you do this you will “Live long and prosper,” as Spock said in Star Trek. Isn’t that all that we all want?


Can one person really change the world? This is literally impossible. However one person can lead us to greatness, it is like the manager of a business, there always has to be someone to blame.

We prefer to blame an individual, rather than put the blame on ourselves. It is our belief that we cannot mess up. The interesting thing is that we will probably mess up until we accept tha we will mess up. Then we may start making the right choices.

Life Resiliance

Life is extremely resilient. Everything that challenges it is eventually thwarted. However there is going to be a problem when life as we know it finds another life that is equally as receptive and just as ruthless as our own. If we cannot come to some sort of truce, we are in grave danger.

All life is extremely fragile. It can be damaged extremely easily. Our thoughts and ideas cannot be defeated so easily though. They live longer when we share them with others.

This makes them practically indestructible. There only weakness is if they are totally forgotten by all. But if they are remembered by one, they are not dead by a long shot.


Sleep is humorous. When you sleep you lose time in your life; however without it you don’t live as good a life as you can. You have to find the balance of sleep and being awake that fits in your life. This is extremely hard to do, because at every stage of life you require different amounts of sleep.

Babies and elderly people require more sleep. People in their twenties require a little more sleep then the youth. People that are people that are twenties to thirties require more sleep still. Disabled people require a lot of sleep the same as elderly and babies.

Basically you need more sleep if your body is growing. If your body has to fix itself you need more sleep also. However the recommended amount of sleep doesn’t change. It is always eight hours. But people seldom take recommendation seriously.
Elderly, babies and disabled as well as the people who have common sickness, not serious stuff need more sleep because their bodies are going through many changes.
People in their mid-life (20-40) require less sleep because their body usually isn’t going through much sleep, but if they could sleep they should take advantage. This is because they basically stay the same throughout this time in their life.

So the next time you your tired and need sleep, just think you had a wonderful day , and you will have a wonderful life and go to sleep.
Good Night….I’ll see you tomorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2009

That Lonely Road

I am on the lonely road again. I just lost my friend/spiritual and living brother/ family member. That tragedy could have averted if I just didn’t argue so much and if I wasn’t so able to get angered so easily. I wish sometimes that I could switch my emotions on and off. No one is so lucky.

Emotions save and destroy opportunity. Both are very hard to do. However this energy is extremely powerful within each of us. At times they are a blessing and at other times they are a curse. Odd to say, but at other time they try to be both blessing as well as curse. This is literally impossibly, and it is very difficult to produce humanly as well.

The greater emotion wins as usual and this is usually the darker one. Somehow it’s easier to be evil then it is to be good. I have no idea why, I don’t think anyone has found the reason why it is easier to be angry then happy.

Difficulties of Life

Life is hard. At times I feel like it is all against me. Then I remember that it has its ups and downs. So I have to brave the downs to get to the ups. It is difficult sometimes, but hey that’s life. What you going to do?

There two ways to live that I see. You could both live positively, where you accept everything, or you could live negatively, and have a hell of a time not accepting anything. I choose to live a positive one.

However you will always be touched by both aspects. When you live positive you will have some negatives and the other way also. It is best to look at life as a piece of eternal music. Life is very similar to music.

You have high times and low times. You have the bad as well as the good. Oh, I’m starting to sound like “The Fact of Life Jingle.” Well it is basically true. Without one the other doesn’t have the same quality in life. So in a sense they are both dependant on each other.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Goal of Being Alive

Why can’t life be more like a dream, increase the fun decrease the stress. If the goal of being alive is to live and enjoy life than why are we so wrapped up with a piece of paper known as money and not the thing known as life, of which we only have one of, just if you forgot. We are putting our health and life literally in danger. Even when we are young, we had to be in school for so long, come on every muscle can only handle so much stress, then it starts tearing up others. Let’s just remember we are here for the future and we are all worthy of our own history book.