Friday, March 27, 2009

Delicate Life

Life is a delicate flower. Some have thorns and some do not, also some age to get thorns. There are those who’ll remain naked. In given time, however, they all receive, some sort, of clothing.

Those lives are very strong, although they appear weak to the untrained eye. They have energy around them, which tell you. These energies, which some call Ora's, are so intense in very few lives. They just emulate off them and spread.

There is nothing anyone can do. It is impossible to stop them, you just have to have patience. You could try and slow them down, however first you have to learn about them. Through that you will, in fact learn about your yourself.

Transitioning doesn’t even stop their energy. Anger; for, instance has no effect on them at all. It just slows them down. What is all irrelevant and inconsequential to them at least, is not the same in our views.The more delicate the life the stronger the energy is. This is because life is so precious. It is always in need of guidance. Even, when thought it doesn’t, it especially needs it then. It is the most vulnerable when it doesn’t think it is. When it’s naked and most vulnerable it has the most power..