Rules are very peculiar. They can save your life. However too many can take it away as well.
They can save it by giving you order and structure that will enhance growth. They also make you a more responsible individual.
However countless amount s of rules and regulations can suffocate your individuality also misappropriate your freedom. This may stop you may stop you from growing and slowly deteriorate you to the point of death.
In order to avoid this there has to be a balance of rules and regulations versus free time. Where you can do whatever you want. You have to have this free time, where you can do anything that you want. It is a necessity to have this time in order to grow and maintain health for about an hour or two a day. Your imagination need some exercise as well as your rationality. If you do this you will “Live long and prosper,” as Spock said in Star Trek. Isn’t that all that we all want?