Saturday, November 14, 2009


This is a state of mind that foretells many deep seeded issues of the human psyche. It represents a state of growth that is constantly transposition or trans-dimensional growth throughout the world, even in the world of one's own reality.

We may differ in the type of care we need, but at least one thing is always true. We always need some love to go round and round on this circle we call life.

The great circle of life should not differ in greatness by age or by color. Even by specie it should be the same for all time. We are all the same by looking from above. So we all should be treated as one.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Good friends are treasures that you have to keep polished or they will lose their value. We know how frail life is so you best make the time when you have it.

Having friends makes you feel differently, however they always will influence your life humorously. Friends help us through life's most difficult times and are there in life grandest adventures. Such ease comes to you with the more friends you have. The more friends you have the better it is, but the quality of friends supersedes the quantity of your friends.

The greater quality of friends the more enhanced your life becomes. They add many more aspects to your life. The fuller your life the greater amount of ideas you could possibly incur.

These ideas reciprocate exponentially. They lead us all too whole new plethoras of thought. These thoughts may surprise everyone, including yourself.

Finding Fun

What do we need to find? Do we need to find fun? Fun will find us if we allow it to. When you allow fun in you can accomplish more cause of the joy that occurs.

This occurrence multiplies at an increasing velocity. It increases for the simple reason that you are letting them motivate you. You are in charge of this motivation through which accomplishment is noticeably increased.

These aspects that are increased motivate new ideas, which reciprocate the process. The reciprocations are addicting which produces happiness in such great varieties.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Diseases are foreseen as Gods “survival of the fittest” trial, however the comical part of that is no one who really enjoys life is immune to all the diseases outside. All life is a very fragile entity. We should cherish every moment that is given to us. It is more precious than the most valuable asset one could ever want or have received. Germs are one of the causes of diseases.

Germs are the tiniest forms of life. However every single life form shares some if not all the qualities with germs. Germs move from one place to another. They consume all the possible resources that are exploitable to their population and then they move on.

Germs are in all things and could be seen as all living things as well as technological contraptions. They are short sighted also. However this shot sightedness could be seen as not because of the time span. They believe that they are immortal, not seeing that nothing is immortal.

Every life is like a flicker of light, it is just that some flickers last longer for some than other forms of life. Some life is so brief also that it can only be observed in the rearview mirror.


Why are we so defensive?

Is it because we fear being taken advantage of? How are we supposed to live if we do not let our guard down once in a while, and not only when we are in bed? It probably has to do with the fact that we were all taught as youth not to take candy from a stranger.

That one innocent teaching has screwed up our lives so much. We can’t ever get rid of it and the time we wasted because of it. However, there is no use crying over spilled milk. So we shall move on.

We have to learn to blindly trust others as we do our faith. In that trusting we will find fantastic opportunities that await us. We will find whole new worlds of pleasure. It is so magnificent, and it is only through that small word. TRUST.

Now in order to trust you have to really have love. Love begins within. You have to really love yourself. So what if you’re looked at as weird. Life is a weird sort of gift. You should just love yourself and not care what others think.

After you love yourself you are ready to reach your hand to another and say “I love you.” Go on, you can do it, I believe in you.

GOOD. How did that feel.

Great, I thought so.

Now you are ready to begin trusting that individual. There is no greater vulnerability than love, but there is no greater strength than love either. That’s why vulnerabilities are strengths.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Celebrate abundantly as well as joyfully

This is an acts up it reaction both chemically and physically like a baby when they want to express themselves. However it gets worse as we all know when a baby cry’s or goes to its mommy.

Confusing as it may be life a point of finding eternal happiness. That may be a futile effort, however if all hope is set forth of this endeavor’s points end to this, the resistance level will diminish greatly.

This, however, can only happen if we all set aside our differences and look to the future, because in essence that is where we are living right now in the present. We all are the future that is precisely why our hero’s are so influential on our times, however don’t lament on them longer than necessary. For if you do; we all are set back throughout the world.

Everyone has a purpose. This should be carried out to the ability of that person alone. Now of course you can help the person all you want, however you shouldn’t create a symbiotic relationship with that person, for your paths in life may possibly separate within a given amount of time.

Cutting that relationship short, this should not devastate the essence of you to deeply. You have been given a unique power, to lead your own life, even though it may intersect with others lives immensely. You may even fall in love with your partners on this path called life. However we should all remember that there are many different heroes and battles, in which all life has to exist.

Change Abilities

Change Abilities

The greatest ability we have to change with, but not limited to, is our brain. It has the most energy, but the heart is necessary to guide the action that is ever known to be possible. The human brain, or any brain for that matter, they both could always break all rules that we set against it.

It just so difficult to realize which to trust no matter, what, you have to be patient and calm with anything and everyone you meet or you cannot get through your day as a full success. Please; please, trust, or comment or something may occur.

I know I wrote things in the pas but please read this. Just because maybe you want to read or anything else, It’s just that I feel like I can’t be head, reminds of an accident and if you have enough heat please read on you see a few of the points.

What Love Entails

Love may not be everything to everyone. Being loved as well as loving is a truly grandiose attribute to all life.

It has extremely different meanings; however they do not change the true effect of this emotional state.
The love shared as well as shown by all is so precious. When it is shown it is like a rainstorm that we all our extremely grateful to have.

Curiosity leads to a better understanding of all this love. Love combined with life is an unstoppable force in all space and even all time.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


There are many different level. Stress and emotional levels are not all the levels, their area more levels.

However they take literally, figuratively, as well as emotionally, exceedingly more time; to research as well as learn about. It's just that only advanced thinkers, such as Einstein as well as Plato could not even begin to realize the power of these thought patterns.


How can we tell that memory matters or does it even matter at all. That is the ultimate question which is condtantly ingnored however difficult it is to figure out? Memories can be manipulated by everything even the most crucial tool.

Our mind is the most valuable technological asset that we have. It is capable to play games on itself which at times could actually save it.

However these games could be harmful. These games can be so subconscious that sometimes, it could be crucial.

Memories are crucial to survival. They may however, cause a breakdown which is difficult. It may be unpredictable seen in the real world. There are signs which are able to physically be seen as possibility.

The Truth Explained

Nothing matters but ideas that are getting more fragmented as we speak. It scares me. The more I think about it the more I panic. That causes shrinking. Not being understood is the main cause.

Being fearful is an emotion, if anything. But what emotions, were the least of the problems. That would be graphic. Not scene as such an important cause.

Attention levels need to stay at the point of ideas complexity. Value ifanything, is important. That being the case, we would just slow down. If that was the only issue, it would simply be the answer.

If anything it is the genius level that is increasing, but the time is decreasing at the same time. This is scary fir all, especially to the genius mind.

That is why there are so few discussion group. If anything there should be nonetheless. However; sinse the cause is getting so bad, that they seem so necessary to help. It seems there is almost a panic issue.

Looking Out

There's a difference between looking out into space and looking out for someone else. Looking in space does not always mean you are distracted.
However it means that your trying to distract yourself from something, such as pain. Therefore it may mean you are more intelligent than you are.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life Cereal

If all of life is a competition and life is losing its way on the path to existence. Life in is, getting so competitive that fun seems irrelevant. Laughter which always shows amusement; as well as other stuff so why is laughter admittedly not let to help.

However it is the solution to every single problem. It make us feel good, correct, because it is so helpful, but it is so simple, as well, is simple.

This being the case why is it that laughter, in all its simplicity, seems to be prohibited from most, to all social engagements. It is vital for all growth. Not to; seriously, growth needs to occur as well, as to flourish. This is good however it is still not permitted.

So as a result conflict; have occurred; no matter what the size. All of us know the struggles involved, in these.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Death is viewed as different thing to all religions, we however cannot explain it to as many people as we would like to. This starts a small conflict of ideas, however small; that conflict may be at the time and it may grow. The idea usually gets people to talk and it usually stops there. If it is on a personal level though.

It is true that it may not be as bad, however the uneasyness may in fact escalate. As it does this the conflicts get worse, as well as the groups of people may increase. This may happen slowly as it usaully does.

However; what if the problem were more complex then that. I mean internally. That still would not be as bad. However, what if one of the difficulties in that was in your own body. It is just a scary hypothesis, at this time

Why are we so obsessed with this transitionary phenomenon. The unknown scares us; however we do not know, what it is and then why can we be so scared. Everything that we do is some way is in our fear of death, but what if you did not fear death? You have to be taught that death is bad, but why? Because of the pain. No pain, no gain. Anyways we can withstand a lot of pain. If we could not we would be here? Why are we afraid of what we do not know? We should all welcome it. It may cause pain at first, however it may be humorous after the pain.

Fear only fear. Don't be afraid only to fear something, you should know what you are afraid of. Correct? That is the only, sure fire the way to overcome the fear, so fear of the unknown makes no sense at all Correct.

Death is just the next temporary phase of existence, and should not be feared. It is only the beginning of the journey of the second phase of what we call reality.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life Never Gets Tiring

Life. Living life. Live the life. My life may get a little unbalanced and need some rest. However, it never fully leaves, or even gives up. It may feel like it's going to; however with my optimistic as well as harmonious attitude, it cannot or will not ever leave.

No matter what tragedies, we go through we always have our ever growing friends to help us the troubles. I nearly died about four times, and I am still here waiting about it, this endless writing about my life.

Curiosity is a main attribute of my life. That may make life as appealing as most other aspects. However; it is all in fact, which more aspects of life are not take it as serious as that. It affects life more than anything else. That being the case, it is so difficult to perceive the end of curiosity.

Love is another intriguing element of this adventure. With love we are whole and full of hope. However: do we need to be loved, to produce love? The production of love produces an ever-lasting realm of possibilities; for the unforeseen futures. We have yet to acquire in life.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Do Not Count Me Out.!!!!!!

We; should not always, be as discriminative as we are. However; we should, only be as careful to live your life as you realize in the present moment. That has the ability to overcome the fears that they may appear at the present moment, for the best overall result. The best way; you know how. For miracles; they happen more often.

That is that you even realize. You have more time; then you believe. Not only; with the problems you have found, even the irrelevant ones. Now this may sound different, for it possibly may be in the public’s viewpoints. Stay calm though, it is going to be all right now. You only have to listen to your spirit or what you religiously, believe in. If we count people out to soon we can cause them unforeseen pain. For the fact that life is short and time cannot change things as fast as we believe. It is not that see others worth. It, in fact, isn’t that easy to see your own worth as well.

Experiences are there for a reason. If you need proof; just look around, at everyday because within life any society, experiences differ greatly. Ideas come and go but good ideas, may take a longer time but do come back eventually. One idea may spread out and give birth to more ideas. Relevant or not does not matter. Ideas always start from scratch, in as sense. That is how any form of communication comes to be.

New Thought

The power has been around forever, since life began if not longer. Few have attained it fully because they didn't realize what it was.

Clarity. To an extent it was always and is always available to all

It is an attraction. The stuff that you like you attract. That is a way of life. Just be careful now how you title things.

We all attract what we like. We always get what we ask for even if we do not know what it is. It is extremely difficult to admit defeat in certain aspects of life. However when we do it is magnificent. Wrong or right doesn't matter, if we just give up our insecurities before defining moments take place?

True positives and negatives create life, but it is the balance that sustains it. Life is one huge balancing act; no action is right or wrong. That includes the author of this whatever. Oh yea, it's a writing. It is good to pose humor in life or other tactics such as that.

Life is magnificently defiant. The only problem is we have to realize that it is; in order to change it. When we all realize that the real surprise will take place.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Family is Priceless

The eternal family is every species on Earth. However that is not a popular point of view. Your relation to that molecule of air, you just took in, goes back generations. You are related to everything in every space and time.

You have attributes from everything. For example there are only a few different color of eyes, so all people who have similar colors of eyes, are of some relation.

Even deeper than that every chromosome and atom in your genetic code of DNA is related to each other, so on a scientific level we are extremely similar. Just our outside skin is the only thing that is different. Because of this we are so conflicting with most of our family.

More then that our ideas are so complex, that they are getting more difficult to understand or comment on. Ideas lead to problems as well as conflicts, however we have to be careful. They could escalate to fights as well as other such problems of a greater magnitude.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Schedule, Schedule, Schedule. Scheduling is like everything else in life. Good in a way, however abundently used it gets so complex, none of it makes any sense. Where too much can drive you crazy and too little could drive you off the cliff of freedom. You do not seem to have a point to exist if you do not have a plan.

The balance of this is of great importance. Any imbalance could drive a crazy person to the insane asylum, even if there are none close by.

You would know you are doing a good job when you feel well. Bad schedulers feel horrible till they get a good schedule. Take your sleep pattern. When you do not get a sufficient amount you feel dreadful. Whereas when you get the right amount of rest you feel so good you feel as if you can take the whole world on.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


What makes diversity good? Is it because we all have a voice? It both is a good idea and it is not. Diversity means that everything has a single voice, total diversity however is not so good. The abundance of the voices is what makes it not as clear as the single voice, although opinions make us up so they may be conflictingly good. however if they are too exact they may be viewed by a select few as they may misunderstand the reason for the idea as a whole.

So the ideas simply are good. But the more complex they get; the explanation has to get longer, which is appropriately good, however it may be timely timely. That may in and of itself may cause some aggravation.

Why is that? It might be like that because it would be horribly hard to progress through so much diversity. Everything would be all over the place. It’s hard to progress though life without communication. It is also of great difficulty to progress without it.

Your whole life is one big balancing act. You finish one act and there is another act waiting for you. Too much of a thing could be good or bad, so it is very hard to know if an individual is trustworthy on isn’t. you only can trust the universe to get you out of all messes you get yourself into also exercise great amounts of patients with others but most of all yourself to make the final decision in the situation that life will put you in.

So all you can do is follow your thought through for the best knowledge you have at the time as well as trust in the situation. For any ways diversity sounds like the word divert because it is sometimes so good it can divert you from the goal you are acquiring. Don’t worry in life you can always get off a path and find another path to get on. Life is how you best deal with the strife you exist.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


We, as a race, don’t take pride in the comfort of living. We want people to get out of the hospital as soon as possible, either by death or by getting better. We want people on disability to get off of it as soon as possible. We don’t care if they need more help in functioning in society or not.

Our focus should be to improve the quality of life rather than to find the cheapest way to deal with it.

Now I’m not saying everyone is like this, there are some diamonds in the rough as it were, but the fight against injustice is far from over. It’s my perception that we must all band together before something drastic happens to us as well as the world around us.

You should take pride with yourself, your thoughts, your actions, and everything else you achieve and are. It is wrong however if you are too prideful, since this prevents you from accomplishing goals. It is like anything else in life where too much of it is bad and also too little is also. You have to find an individual balance.

Now, I have no idea why I’m writing this but maybe it will change a few minds. Possibly it will make people think before lashing out at someone or to something.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Delicate Life

Life is a delicate flower. Some have thorns and some do not, also some age to get thorns. There are those who’ll remain naked. In given time, however, they all receive, some sort, of clothing.

Those lives are very strong, although they appear weak to the untrained eye. They have energy around them, which tell you. These energies, which some call Ora's, are so intense in very few lives. They just emulate off them and spread.

There is nothing anyone can do. It is impossible to stop them, you just have to have patience. You could try and slow them down, however first you have to learn about them. Through that you will, in fact learn about your yourself.

Transitioning doesn’t even stop their energy. Anger; for, instance has no effect on them at all. It just slows them down. What is all irrelevant and inconsequential to them at least, is not the same in our views.The more delicate the life the stronger the energy is. This is because life is so precious. It is always in need of guidance. Even, when thought it doesn’t, it especially needs it then. It is the most vulnerable when it doesn’t think it is. When it’s naked and most vulnerable it has the most power..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Live Life to the Fullest

Man is made to live life to the fullest. Whatever opportunity you see, it is in your best interest and the interest of society, to complete the mission.

Living life to the fullest, you will enjoy and be more relaxed in your life. It will also reduce violence because you will be more at ease, which in turn will make it easier to socialize.

If you are free, you will have a life that is totally unique from any other. It will put you more at ease.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Your immunity system can not last forever. Drugs can only last for so long. Sleep increases your energy, keeps you in a fun loving mood, also perhaps the most important thing it does, it helps you enjoy life more. So any chance you have you should rest and sleep.

Good Night


Who is more intelligent? Does it really matter? Will it actually affect the Cosmos?

No, but it may affect your world. If that is important enough for you, then fine, go for it.

We all have different personas that have individual goals. It’s imperative you follow those ideas to fruition. That is life's only tragic flaw of which we have no idea how often that occurs. However we have millions of ideas, so it is utterly impossible to follow through with them all. That is a real shame, but it is a fact.

We are so we judgmental of ourselves and everyone else, that it is possible we scare any new thoughts away. This is another fallacy of our nature. We think we are correct constantly and maybe we are, but we should respect those who we chose to interact with and interact with them about those ideas so they could understand our views.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


One of the biggest syndromes or diseases we have throughout the world is gluttony. One reason for this is the food is too easy to get, that we take advantage. This however I believe is only here in this nation.

I am sitting her in the food court and someone is handing out samples of food, and people are taking it from her as they would be expected to. However I just realized that our population of individuals do not need free handouts of food, and they are eating themselves to death, really. Most of them have desk jobs and hardly work out as much as required by their bodies.

Now if they worked off the food that they in took you’d have a different issue, but the fact is most of them do not. Since it is easier to sit and relax, then exercise, we choose to relax and do nothing, since our society is one of the more lazy societies of the world. Besides that in our free time we don’t utilize it with exercise, we rather take advantage of our free time by by watching television or not doing physical stuff at all.

Desk jobs are not bad. Just if all you do is work at a desk and then sit in the car and sit watching TV, besides your butt getting tired, you will have a lack of blood flow in your body and you will not be living your life, so it will decide to leave you. In prevention of this, everything should be done in moderation, meaning a variety of activities should encompass your time.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Music and Life

Music and life are very similar. In all music as within all life harmony is vital. Every section is also vital if you want to construct the appropriate message for the receiver.

However within music the lower parts do not mean the same as we make them mean within our lives. For example a base, which is usually a low male voice in singing, does not mean there of any less importance or value than a soprano, the highest female voice. This differs greatly from real life where it is believe that the good people are higher and of greater value than the bad, or at least what’s taught in religion.

This is also the case in compositions of musical numbers. Some have many low notes and sound just as good, if not better than those that have many high notes. This is caused by what the receiver desires and feels is appropriate for that individual moment. It is all a matter of individual taste and the experience desired.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lateness: The Human Perfecting Standpoint

When you are late you feel like you have just committed the worst human offence imaginable. However you have not. So just relax. Just say you’re sorry for being late and go on with your day.

You have just committed a human normalcy and feel guilt because of this. This of course is self imposed there is no real reason to feel this way.
We feel this way because we have perfection ingrained in our subconscious. From when we were young to now it is still being ingrained, at work, places of worship sometime as of you this, and school is the worst of all because the punishment is to waste your time and not be productive. This is what societal value has impose on us all and worst of all the people who impose this got it twice as bad for they impose rules on others, and have rules imposed on themselves.

To put a stop to this self imposition you have to start with yourself and just relax, oh and you may try to breath that helps a lot. This is harder then yourself, but you can do it. You just have to believe in yourself. With that belief you are bound to accomplish all you desire. For the fact, that anything is possible and available to whomever looks to find. Belief is one of the most important and powerful resource living entities have in their magazine. It create a center of attention fo itself with its usage.

Understanding You

The quest for understanding is the human quest for all. It is important to all, even if they do not admit. No one really has the power to understand anything, until they understand themselves. However this is where the great paradox begins. For you cannot understand the self totally without understanding your environment. This is why honoring others views is so vital.

No one can understand fully who you are and what you do except yourself. Only you can understand who you are and what you do. No matter if you create the best; you can never have proof of the best that you accomplished.

It is a shame that that is so, but you have to learn to accept it and come to the realization that there are other good things you can invent, which you are probably thinking up as you read this.

For you see the mind is a glorious instrument, because of the great ideas it produces, even if it loses some million of ideas for every good one that make it to fruition. It really is a great loss but what you going to do? You could only record as much as you are allowed to?

That is what being alive all is about. You should write all you can for you as well as the future for it is hard to tell your place as of yet, because life is so chaotic and you may turn into a hero, like Abraham Lincoln or some other?

Friday, March 6, 2009


Rules are very peculiar. They can save your life. However too many can take it away as well.

They can save it by giving you order and structure that will enhance growth. They also make you a more responsible individual.

However countless amount s of rules and regulations can suffocate your individuality also misappropriate your freedom. This may stop you may stop you from growing and slowly deteriorate you to the point of death.

In order to avoid this there has to be a balance of rules and regulations versus free time. Where you can do whatever you want. You have to have this free time, where you can do anything that you want. It is a necessity to have this time in order to grow and maintain health for about an hour or two a day. Your imagination need some exercise as well as your rationality. If you do this you will “Live long and prosper,” as Spock said in Star Trek. Isn’t that all that we all want?


Can one person really change the world? This is literally impossible. However one person can lead us to greatness, it is like the manager of a business, there always has to be someone to blame.

We prefer to blame an individual, rather than put the blame on ourselves. It is our belief that we cannot mess up. The interesting thing is that we will probably mess up until we accept tha we will mess up. Then we may start making the right choices.

Life Resiliance

Life is extremely resilient. Everything that challenges it is eventually thwarted. However there is going to be a problem when life as we know it finds another life that is equally as receptive and just as ruthless as our own. If we cannot come to some sort of truce, we are in grave danger.

All life is extremely fragile. It can be damaged extremely easily. Our thoughts and ideas cannot be defeated so easily though. They live longer when we share them with others.

This makes them practically indestructible. There only weakness is if they are totally forgotten by all. But if they are remembered by one, they are not dead by a long shot.


Sleep is humorous. When you sleep you lose time in your life; however without it you don’t live as good a life as you can. You have to find the balance of sleep and being awake that fits in your life. This is extremely hard to do, because at every stage of life you require different amounts of sleep.

Babies and elderly people require more sleep. People in their twenties require a little more sleep then the youth. People that are people that are twenties to thirties require more sleep still. Disabled people require a lot of sleep the same as elderly and babies.

Basically you need more sleep if your body is growing. If your body has to fix itself you need more sleep also. However the recommended amount of sleep doesn’t change. It is always eight hours. But people seldom take recommendation seriously.
Elderly, babies and disabled as well as the people who have common sickness, not serious stuff need more sleep because their bodies are going through many changes.
People in their mid-life (20-40) require less sleep because their body usually isn’t going through much sleep, but if they could sleep they should take advantage. This is because they basically stay the same throughout this time in their life.

So the next time you your tired and need sleep, just think you had a wonderful day , and you will have a wonderful life and go to sleep.
Good Night….I’ll see you tomorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2009

That Lonely Road

I am on the lonely road again. I just lost my friend/spiritual and living brother/ family member. That tragedy could have averted if I just didn’t argue so much and if I wasn’t so able to get angered so easily. I wish sometimes that I could switch my emotions on and off. No one is so lucky.

Emotions save and destroy opportunity. Both are very hard to do. However this energy is extremely powerful within each of us. At times they are a blessing and at other times they are a curse. Odd to say, but at other time they try to be both blessing as well as curse. This is literally impossibly, and it is very difficult to produce humanly as well.

The greater emotion wins as usual and this is usually the darker one. Somehow it’s easier to be evil then it is to be good. I have no idea why, I don’t think anyone has found the reason why it is easier to be angry then happy.

Difficulties of Life

Life is hard. At times I feel like it is all against me. Then I remember that it has its ups and downs. So I have to brave the downs to get to the ups. It is difficult sometimes, but hey that’s life. What you going to do?

There two ways to live that I see. You could both live positively, where you accept everything, or you could live negatively, and have a hell of a time not accepting anything. I choose to live a positive one.

However you will always be touched by both aspects. When you live positive you will have some negatives and the other way also. It is best to look at life as a piece of eternal music. Life is very similar to music.

You have high times and low times. You have the bad as well as the good. Oh, I’m starting to sound like “The Fact of Life Jingle.” Well it is basically true. Without one the other doesn’t have the same quality in life. So in a sense they are both dependant on each other.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Goal of Being Alive

Why can’t life be more like a dream, increase the fun decrease the stress. If the goal of being alive is to live and enjoy life than why are we so wrapped up with a piece of paper known as money and not the thing known as life, of which we only have one of, just if you forgot. We are putting our health and life literally in danger. Even when we are young, we had to be in school for so long, come on every muscle can only handle so much stress, then it starts tearing up others. Let’s just remember we are here for the future and we are all worthy of our own history book.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Do we Truly Live in Acting? Whatever we do aren’t we living?

William Shakespeare once said; “All the World’s a Stage.” Well this is extremely true, even more then I think he knew.

Life is this long movie that no rehearsals, no intermissions or any of that stuff. Even though we think we aren’t acting that is the big joke called life. We are always acting.

When people act, usually they are more truthful to themselves then they are, even though they don’t know it.

Acting is done everyday throughout life. We put on a different costume and mask every day. We wear so many masks in our lives. Some are in order to protect ourselves or others. We put on a different mask for every function that we have in life.

Creating Life

Life is a creative journey. It is wise to have a pen and pad at all times. Nobody knows when inspiration could strike.

Inspiration is so unpredictable. You can’t really force inspiration has to flow naturally to where you desire to place it.

It is also hard to tell what you are going to write, until you actually sit down to write it. I think structured writings are good but they are not the only writings that exist.

Life itself is a maze. It has no map or plan. The people that have their life planned out to the minutest detail, I believe they have a few screws loose. You have to be free to express yourself. For you see, life and inspiration go hand in hand.

People cannot and should not be afraid to express themselves ever. All living things are granted the right to express themselves if they are alive. No one has the right to take that away from any life.

In chaos there has to be order. So if that’s true, when you aren’t following the rules, you are following the rules. Now you still have to obey the laws because you don’t want to end up behind bars, but follow your heart and see where it leads? We are following the Creators rule.

Edge of Tomorrow

We are standing at the edge of tomorrow. We are almost there. But then we are always almost there.

It is always almost there. No, you are there always. Don’t plan for the future, because you already are in the future. You are many times more intelligent than you give yourself credit for. You have to start being proud of yourself, because if you aren’t who will. Who wants to take pride in someone who does not take pride in themselves? Very few people could fill that job requirement.

So be a leader and start taking pride in yourself. You can’t imagine what you can accomplish, for no one can. You are your own person, after all.


Life is everything as well as nothing. It is the ultimate paradox. Life is all thought in which you create and explore. Every feeling and emotion you have ever had consists in life.
Life is all around us, if we recognize it or not. In every sight you see, sound you hear, the fact that you perceived it changes the perceived slightly. In reading this it changes you by adding or subtracting from your personage. It also changes your thought perception.
Your thoughts spawned off new thoughts which have formed some small difference in which life has been created and now is in existence. All of it is gloriously beautiful, even the conflict, however damaging it may be, it helps us form the harmonious aspects of life. We should enjoy as well as appreciate all the wonder as well as magnificence of this grand adventure we call life as well as all the mysteries and enchantments that exist within it.
Do not get to frustrated with the categorizing of every little wonder, because you will miss important aspects of it as well as the opportunities that open up to you. Appreciation of lifes beauty is as vital as the interaction and the facilitation it creates. One should not create self-imposed time table or restrictions of the chaos.

Beauty of Life

Life is the most beautiful thing we could create. That all depends on if you choose to exercise the right of your creating ability, it also depends the desire to see the beauty inside of us. In a sense the outer world is a reflection of our inner world, as well as our inner world being a reflection of our outer world we see.

If you are always sick that is because you see sickness all around you. No one can pull you out of your mood except yourself. You are the strongest, wisest one in the world. You have lived your life and no one could do a better job at that. More importantly, you have survived it. Every single living entity is a strong hero. This is of great importance to remember. All of us have memories that are defiant, for we do not remember our own greatness that we all possess, as well as the obstacles’ we all pursued and overcame in just coming to this life.

It is very similar to finding out you are a beautiful person, through the years of abuse. Then waking up and looking at themselves in the mirror and saying I am a very beautiful individual, the world is extremely greater with me living in it. Everyone is so full of beauty. It is a real shame that they do not know how special and beautiful they are. Do you?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Improving Life

Improving your life could be the easiest or hardest thing you have ever done. There are ways to increase your life span as well as shorten it. But the main way to live a long life is to be happy immensely. Your life will increase to unknown ranges just by you being happy.

Another aspect which could help is if you always get seven or eight hours of sleep. You need this in order to be an effective member of the human race as well to have an efficient life. Why do we not have siestas in the mid afternoon as countries do. I believe this helps them with their efficiency level as well as the progress they create within their nation as well as the world.

A major improvement would be if people started exercising regularly to maintain a normal life span. It will also improve productivity in your occupation for you won’t dread it anymore and also you will have more commonalities with those of whom you work with. Exercising definitely increases life by helping us digest food as well as make our weight more sustainable. Different exercises increase different aspects of your life.

A way of improving life that is overlooked very much is documenting your experiences. They will influence future generations. Likewise they will increase my expertise on my life as well as others. They make your life live on the pages and also in the memories of all that read those pages.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Is nothingness nothing? Can anything be nothing? Is it possible that anything stated has no existence? Once anything is stated, it becomes reality. It only takes time for thoughts to manifest into reality through other living entities.

Humans are not the only specie capable of inventing useful items. However it is a difficult task to recognize these other living entities that invent or to even understand that they have the capability let alone the need and desire to invent.

This desire to improve oneself and one’s surroundings is one of the commonalities of every living entity. There are other life forms then we have or will ever identify. Life is everything that has been thought, in the process, or will be thought up.

Matter is alive. What is thought of as dead is also alive is very much alive. Every thought that is created is alive and being developed. Say we have 10 billion thought a day. Then we’ve just borne 10 billion ideas. These ideas may or may not last that long, the power is in our hands. If we are encouraged then the thought will keep on living. If not the thought dies right there.